The Dewsoft ERP systems have the functionality
to support industry standards and best practices. The
recommendations of the American Production and Inventory
Control Society (APICS) and Generally Accepted Accounting
Practices (GAAP) are well supported by the Dewsoft software.
Look for the following characteristics:
- These systems are composed of many modules called
applications, The core Dewsoft Applications support
broad business functions, such as financial, distribution,
manufacturing, and human resource transactions.
example, the financial applications are General Ledger,
Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Fixed
You can license only the applications you need.
- The applications are integrated and work together
to pass individual transactions through an entire
business process. The modularization approach gives
flexibility, and the modules interact by passing data
through program interfaces. A single manual transaction
in one application can initiate transactions in other
- ERP systems are complex, and the more applications
you use, the more complexity you have.
- Thousands of configuration parameters interact
with each other and change the logic of the programs
fit your unique business situation. It can take months
to set up and learn how the programs operate. The
documentation is voluminous.
- The flexibility of these systems is the upside
of the complexity problem. Manufacturing
companies, utilities, service companies, governments,
and others have all been able to configure the applications
to meet their specific business needs.
- ERP systems often use powerful data storage mechanisms
such as the Relational Database Management
System (RDBMS). The database gives the transaction
system the performance and scalability to process
thousands of transactions per hour and store the
for years. A large ERP database can... be more than
300GB in size.
- ERP software vendors are highly competitive. Each
has loaded its software with every
conceivable function point and business process. Typically,
interfaces among vendors are
proprietary solutions and must be implemented as custom
- These systems can be a mixture of online and batch
processes. Many functions support a manual interactive
process and an automated batch process. For example,
you can apply cash receipts to your Dewsoft Receivables
by keying the data into a form, or you can configure
the system to use the AutoLockbox program to process
a data file from your bank.