you are new to the subject, however, read this
processes to understand what kinds of business
functions are available and how the BusinessBackbone
might meet your business requirements.
The BusinessBackbone Enterprise
Resource Planning (ERP) applications are really
an integrated suite of modules identified by major
business function. The applications in this book
are online transaction processing (OLTP) applications.
For example, the Receivables application is designed
to bill customers, collect cash, and keep track
of what amounts are owed to your company. Most
functions are designed to enable you to continuously
interact with the system and perform the transactions
of your business. Most reports are designed to
list what transactions were made, control your
processes, and show what balances remain after
the transaction is made.
The breadth and depth of the Applications is too
great for any-one user to deal with completely.
If you install all the applications discussed
in the BusinessBackbone, your
database might have over 10,000 objects in it.
It would take you several years to understand
it all, and by that time, Dewsoft will have released
new versions and your business will have changed.